What is a NPDES Permit?
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) addresses water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge into the waters of the United States. Point sources include but are not limited to; channels, swales, berm/basin/trap outlets, rock filters and storm water inlets. The Clean Water Act prohibits anybody from discharging "pollutants" through a "point source" into a "water of the United States" unless they have an NPDES permit. The permit will contain limits on what you can discharge, monitoring and reporting requirements, and other provisions to ensure that the discharge does not hurt water quality or people's health. In essence, the permit translates general requirements of the Clean Water Act into specific provisions tailored to the operations of each person discharging pollutants.
Do I Need a NPDES Permit?
A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) permit is required for earth disturbance activities that will involve between 1 and 5 acres of disturbance over the life of the project, and will have a point source discharge to surface waters. The new regulations are commonly referred to as NPDES Phase II. The permit must be in-hand before earthwork begins. The requirements for an NPDES permit are set by Federal and State regulations.
Who Administers NPDES Permits?
DEP has delegated the management of the NPDES program to the Sullivan County Conservation District. DEP and districts jointly regulate construction activities utilizing existing state regulations concerning erosion control and NPDES permits to implement the federal requirements.
Pennsylvania’s Chapter 92, NPDES regulations, provide for the development and use of individual and general NPDES permits. On Oct. 4, 1997, DEP made available General Permit PAG-2 (1997 Amendment) for the discharge of stormwater associated with construction activities. This general permit can be used for most construction activities disturbing five or more acres.
Some exceptions for use of the general permit are:
Pennsylvania’s Chapter 92, NPDES regulations, provide for the development and use of individual and general NPDES permits. On Oct. 4, 1997, DEP made available General Permit PAG-2 (1997 Amendment) for the discharge of stormwater associated with construction activities. This general permit can be used for most construction activities disturbing five or more acres.
Some exceptions for use of the general permit are:
- Activities in special protection watersheds
- Activities that discharge hazardous pollutants or toxics
- Activities that would violate water quality standards
- Activities prohibited from coverage under 25 Pa. Code Chapter 92.
NPDES Permit Requirements
General NPDES Permit Applications:
* Most NPDES Permits in Sullivan County will be required to be Individual Permits due to EV/HQ stream classifications
The new NPDES regulations also require that a post-construction stormwater plan be submitted with the NPDES Permit application. Infiltration will be the key to developing a good post-construction stormwater plan. The new permit requires that the net difference between the pre and post runoff be infiltrated back into the ground for ground water recharge.
The post-construction stormwater plan should include the following information:
- Notice of Intent Form (1 original and 2 copies)
- Complete Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (3 copies)
- Permit filing fee of $500 payable to Sullivan County Conservation District
- Disturbed Acre Fee: $100.00 per Acre (round up as necessary) this fee is made payable to The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Clean Water Fund
- Location Map (Copy of USGS Map preferred) (3 copies)
- Act 14 Notifications (to County Commissioners & municipal officials) (3 copies)
- Proof of receipt of County & Municipal notification (3 copies)
- Completed PNDI search form (3 copies)
- Post-construction Stormwater Management Plan (3 copies)
- Completed Sullivan County Conservation District application for erosion and sediment control review
- Erosion and Sediment Control plan review fee payable to Sullivan County Conservation District
- Notice of Intent Form (1 original and 2 copies)
- General Information Form, GIF (3 Copies)
- Complete Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (3 copies)
- Permit filing fee of $1,500 payable to Sullivan County Conservation District
- Disturbed Acre Fee: $100.00 per Acre (round up as necessary) this fee is made payable to The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Clean Water Fund
- Location Map (Copy of USGS Map preferred) (3 copies)
- Act 14 Notifications (to County Commissioners & municipal officials) (3 copies)
- Proof of receipt of County & Municipal notification (3 copies)
- PHMC Cultural Resource Notice (3 copies)
- Completed PNDI search form (3 copies)
- Post-construction Stormwater Management Plan (3 copies)
- Completed Sullivan County Conservation District application for erosion and sediment control review
- Erosion control plan review fee payable to Sullivan County Conservation District
* Most NPDES Permits in Sullivan County will be required to be Individual Permits due to EV/HQ stream classifications
The new NPDES regulations also require that a post-construction stormwater plan be submitted with the NPDES Permit application. Infiltration will be the key to developing a good post-construction stormwater plan. The new permit requires that the net difference between the pre and post runoff be infiltrated back into the ground for ground water recharge.
The post-construction stormwater plan should include the following information:
- Written narrative
- Location of post-construction BMPs
- Plan drawings of permanent stabilization
- Operation and maintenance procedures
- Supporting calculations or measurements
- 2-year / 24-hour frequency storm rainfall amount
- Percent of impervious surface
- Weighted runoff coefficients
- Runoff from a 2-year / 24-hour frequency storm
- Volume of water infiltrated through BMPs
- Peak discharge rate
NPDES Permit Documents
Have More Questions?
Lynn Broschart
E&S Technician
Sullivan County Conservation District
Phone: 570-928-7057
Email: [email protected]
E&S Technician
Sullivan County Conservation District
Phone: 570-928-7057
Email: [email protected]